In the local chemist, a geezer asked to talk to a male pharmacist. The lady at the
counter said that she herself was the pharmacist, and that she and her
sister owned the shop, so there were no male employees. She asked how she
could help. The man said that it was something he would be more comfortable
discussing with a male pharmacist. She reminded him that
she was completely professional, observed confidentiality and he could speak with her.
"This is difficult for me to discuss," he said, "but I have a permanent
erection. So I was wondering what you could give me for it."
"Just a moment", said the pharmacist, " I'll go and have a word with my sister."
She returned a few minutes later and said: "We discussed this in great detail. The
absolute best we can do is, 25% ownership of the shop, a
company Mercedes, and £6,000 a month living expenses."
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