The wife and I spoke at great length for over two hours. I was truly enlightened! She informed me: "You always blame someone else when things go wrong." I replied, "And whose fault is that?"
Now that she had my undivided attention, she announced: “Have you not even noticed that all the sparkle, excitement and even the sex has gone out of our marriage?” I replied, “Can’t we discuss this at half- time?” I'll never understand women. First they declare that, “Size doesn't matter”. Then the next minute, they're asking, “Does my bum look big in this?”
Mind you, statistics prove that one in every three women can be just as difficult and argumentative as the other two. Of course, correlation doesn't imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing, “Have a shufty at that over there!” Fascinating!
At 12-30pm, when the power eventually came back on, I watched an amazing television programme which is called ‘Loose Women.’ What a fascinating experience this really was. The format for this show is as follows: A group of middle-aged, wealthy women, who have landed their own daily TV show, tell us, the viewers, how hard and unfair life is. Looks like they are on to a winner. Trebles all round!
What was going on last week? All that detritus swirling in from the Sahara Desert and landing on Tameside! Talk about sand. I looked out of my window and there was a cactus and a camel on the roof of my car! The camel had three humps. I’m going to keep him in the garden and call him Humphrey.
They usually have three cashiers on duty at my bank, except when they're really busy. Then they have one. Yesterday, while queuing, I bumped into Barmy Albert, my next-door neighbour. He informed me that he was going out on a date with Non-Stick Nora that very night. He asked, "What do you think I should wear?" I replied, "A blindfold."
Wit is often a mask. If you could peer behind its gossamer façade, you would find either genius irritated or cleverness wriggling. That’s why you should never let your mind wander. Summat that small shouldn’t be out on its own. Nurse, fetch the screens! Visit my website or email me: Now, assume a comical position, and then strike the pose!

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