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Saturday, 3 June 2017

The Vote....


It’s polling day folks! How will you vote? All that I can say is if you’re not doing so well and struggling, then vote for a better life for yourself. If you’re doing ‘very nicely, thank you’, then vote for a better life for others. But remember, whoever you vote for, you’ll always get ‘The Government’. So, now you know! 


A man was knocked over last week on the A57, by a red lorry, then a yellow lorry, then another red lorry, then another yellow lorry. When the Police constable went to inform his missus, he informed her; "There's really no easy way to say this...”


The missus had just got back from the garden centre, and I was busy watching Countdown, so was unable to assist her with unpacking the car, so she was in a foul mood. As she was unloading various sacks of compost, she picked up a set of 4 solar garden lights, and proclaimed: 'I'm going to shove these where the sun don't shine'. I sez: 'Well, they're not going to work then’....


The bloke in a Parcelforce van stopped and asked me the time, yesterday. I sez to him: “It’s between 8 am and 12 noon, mate. See how he likes it!


I was walking the woofers around Tintwistle reservoirs last weekend and a woman asked me about my dog. Alfie was running haphazardly in different directions. She politely enquired: “Is your dog indecisive?”I replied: “Well, yes and no!” Alfie disappeared off into a wooded area, upon following him; I discovered a fox with four cubs in a suitcase. I phoned the RSPCA and told them of my find. The lady at the other end of the phone asked me if they were moving. I replied: “I’m not sure. But that would certainly explain the suitcase.” Dog Walkers eh! Worst crisps that I ever tasted!  I threw a ball for my dog. Extravagant I know, but it was his 21st birthday!


Whilst driving through my old home town of Gorton last week, I was reminiscing about the old days and drummed up the courage to stop at the house where I used to live. I knocked on the door and courteously asked if I could go inside and if I could have a look around. He told me to fuck off! Mind you, my dad always was a cantankerous old twat!                                

Hypothetically, if I was awarded the privilege of taking iconic pop group Abba out for lunch, I would, my friend, for Nando’s.


Thought for Thursday: One machine can be programmed to do the work of one hundred ordinary people. There is no machine in existence that can do the work of one extraordinary person.


If you read this weekly column regularly, then you help to make unimportant global world decisions dealing with irrelevant, uncomplicated issues that influence insignificant amounts of human lives. Visit my website and continue the quest! Email Now, get back to work!


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