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Saturday, 22 February 2025

Big Chief Sitting Bull and his wife Lying Cow....


The missus curtly informed me that she thought we'd have less arguments, if I wasn't so pedantic. I told her, "I think you mean fewer." That’s when the fight started!

My dentist told me that if I were to have a false denture fitted, then my speech could well be affected. Anyway, I went ahead and had them anyway. Can't say I'm sorry. I also can’t say Suzie, Suzie, sitting in the shoeshine shop. All day long, she sits and shines. All day long, she shines and sits….

Living with a dog consists of 90% following each other around, watching each other go potty, and wondering what the other has in their mouth. Moreover, a dog can help you find important things when they're lost, things like your smile, your hope and your courage. Having a K9 Cutikin in your life is one of life's greatest treasures.


Big Chief Sitting Bull and his wife Lying Cow made love on a bed of horse hide and she bore him two sons. He made love to his second wife on a bed of buffalo hide and she bore him two sons. He made love to his third wife on a bed of hippopotamus hide and she brought into the world FOUR sons! So it just goes to show that the squaw on the hippopotamus is equal to the sons of the squaws on the other two hides.

It’s Barmy Alberts first week of working at the bicycle factory and they’ve already made him the spokesperson. Isn’t life grand when you’re doo-lally!

When I tried a shoe on and told the shop assistant that it was too tight, she said:

"try it with the tongue out."So I sez: "It'th thtill thtoo tithhe!"

Breaking News: Ruben Amorim has resigned after back-to- back away losses to Lands End United and John O Groats Town. He said in a press statement: “I have taken the team as far as they can go!”


One evening, Non-Stick Nora brings her frail, elderly mother to a nursing home and leaves her, hoping she will be well cared for. The next morning, the nurses bathe her, feed her a tasty breakfast, and sit her in a comfy chair at a window overlooking a magnificent flower garden. She seems fine, but after awhile, she slowly starts to lean over sideways in her chair. Two efficient and attentive nurses immediately rush up to catch her and straighten her up and plump up the cushions behind her. Again, she seems fine, but after a short while she starts to tilt to the other side, yet again. The nurses rush back and once more bring her back upright. This goes on all morning. Later Nora and Barmy Albert arrives to see how the old woman is adjusting to her new home. "So, Ma, how is it here? Are they treating you all right?" they ask. "It's really lovely." she replies. "Except, they won't let you fart."

For those of you who watch what you eat, here’s the final word on nutrition and health. It’s a relief to know the truth after all those conflicting nutritional studies:

1. The Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

2. The Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

3. The Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

4. The Italians drink a lot of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans.

5. The Germans drink a lot of beers and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than Americans. CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you.

Octogenarian Elsie Grabknuckle was in the Scropton Street Launderette and Washerama, when Non-Stick Nora declared: “I’ve started my juice cleanse and been for a hike yesterday.” Elsie was gobsmacked and looked at her in disbelief and asked Nora: “What did you really do?” Nora replied: “I drank a bottle of Chardonnay and fell down the stairs….”

The musical director was struggling with Sid, the out of time drummer who just couldn’t get it right. Despite countless conversations and guidance, Sid’s performance never improved. Finally, in front of the entire orchestra, the director said, “When a musician can’t master their instrument and fails to improve despite help, they take the instrument away, hand them two sticks, and make them a drummer.” From the percussion section, a stage whisper followed: “And if that’s still too much, they take away one stick and make him a conductor.”

Technically, a shark swims faster than me, but I reckon that I can probably run faster than a shark. So, in a triathlon, it all depends on who is the better cyclist. If you require further clarification on this surreal pastiche, then just visit my website. Click on: and assume a comical position. Email me: Now, get back to work!

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Students get first hand job experience....


BAFTA award winner Conclave is a filum starring Ralph Fiennes as Cardinal Thomas Lawrence, who in a nutshell is the head of a group of Cardinals whose role it is to select the next pontiff to succeed Pope Francis. Apparently, the hot favourite is Archbishop Cardinal Angelo Si Scola of Milan, 83 to be the successor to Pope Francis. So, it's true then! The next pontiff will be known as Pope Si Scola! You couldn't make it up!

On the same subject, who should meander down the red carpet at the New York Hilton Hotel, but the Pope! The man himself, clambered into a yellow taxicab and the driver was thunderstruck. He sez: “Your Holiness. I am you humble servant How can I serve you?” The Pope exclaimed: “I have an international emergency, my son. I need to get to the airport forthwith!” The taxi driver sez: “It’s rush hour, your Holiness and rush hour in New York is horrendous!” The Pope makes the sign of the cross and informs the taxi driver: ”If you can get me to the airport, within the hour, I’ll give you a thousand dollar tip!” The driver opines: “But I have two speeding violations already and if I get a third, I’ll lose my livelihood.” The Pope again made the sign of the cross and replied: “Well, what if I still give you a thousand-dollar tip and you let me drive the cab?” They shake hands on the deal and just as they get two minutes from the airport, a speed cop pulls them over. The cop is overawed when he sees who is in the taxi and gets straight on his radio to headquarters. He speaks with his captain and asks him what he should do if he pulls someone over who is really important. The captain shouts over the radio: “Are they more important than The Mayor of New York City?” The cop answers: “Definitely!” The captain continues: “Is this guy more important than Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America?” The exasperated cop replies: “Captain, this man is so important, the Pope is driving him around!”

Last week, I asked the wife what she would like for Valentines Day. She sez: “You can get me anything from The Body Shop. I got her a front near-side wing for a Ford Focus. Yes, you’ve guessed, it was the wrong colour! All the mither I go to and I still get no better thought of…

Beware of scams on the internet! For Valentines Day, I ordered the missus an 18-Carat gold necklace, but they sent a set of golf clubs instead! Exercise extreme caution with rogue traders too! I paid a carpenter two thousand quid in advance to make me a King-Size bed and he’s only gone and done a bunk. It’s just one thing on top of another!


Wallpaper peeling off windows all steamed up. If any of my readers know how to fix condensation, please call round to my house. The kettle is always on.

Non-Stick Nora and Barmy Albert were ensconced in The Pitt Bull and Stanley Knife pub larruping copious tankards of ale , when this absolutely stunning young woman comes over to their table, gives Albert a big snog and informs him that she’ll see him later, then casually saunters off. Nora glares at him and asks him: "Who the flippin’ hell was that?" "Oh," replies Albert: "She's my mistress." "Well, that's the last straw," declares Nora. "I've had enough, I want a divorce." "I can understand that," replies Barmy Albert "but remember, if we get a divorce, it will mean no more shopping trips to Scropton Street Precinct, no more summer holidays in Rhyl, no more trips to bingo in Stalybridge, no more swanning around in the Reliant Robin and no more darts, dominoes and meat raffle in the Abbatoir Operatives & Slaughtermans Social Club. But the decision is yours." Just then, Tommy Grabknuckle enters the pub, with a voluptuous blonde babe on his arm. "Who's that woman with Tommy?" asks Nora. "That's his mistress" sez Albert. "Ours is much prettier!" Nora replied.

"Have you ever seen twenty pounds all crumpled up?" asked the wife. "No," I said. She gave me a cheeky little smile, then reached into her purse and pulled out a crumpled twenty quid note, all screwed up into a little ball. "Have you ever seen fifty quid all crumpled up?" she asked. "Nope," I exclaimed. She gave me another little smile, reached into her purse once again, and produced a crumpled fifty-pound note. "Right-Ho!" she said, "Have you ever seen twenty thousand quid all crumpled up?" "Definitely not" I lamented, in an intrigued fashion. "Well, go and have a quick shufty in the garage." Well, at least I know one thing for sure now. The airbag works! It just goes to prove that a woman is a person who can spot a blond hair on a man’s lapel at 4 am in the morning in a darkened bedroom, but cannot see the gatepost with the headlamps on main beam!


It’s always a tad quiet on the showbiz front in January and February, so I sauntered down to the local Job Centre to see if any alternative employment opportunities beckoned. The clerk (She had a face like a murderer’s labourer) curtly informed yours truly that the only vacancies currently available were in data processing. I told her that I was unable to use a computer. She looked at me with much disdain and sez: “In this day and age! You can’t use a computer! Are you some kind of moron?” With all the dignity that I could muster, I replied, “No. It’s a condition of my bail....”

The missus sez: "You should never eat donuts for breakfast!” to me yesterday morning. I told her "My Grandfather lived to be 103 years old." She asked: "Did he eat donuts for breakfast?” I said, "No. He minded his own business." That’s when the fight started!

I stepped back in amazement and the fella behind me stepped back further because he was amazed at how far back I'd stepped, primarily because I was exasperated with the same old boring jokes that are still being circulated around the pub and at work? I’m sure you are too, but no, not me. No sirree! I like the same old boring jokes and that's why I print them right here in this gloppy humour column every available chance I get. Accept me for what I am; completely unacceptable. Click on my joke blog: or better still email me: Oh, and If your phone didn’t ring yesterday, then it was me! Start the car!



Sunday, 9 February 2025

"Are you a man or are you a mouse?” The thick plottens....



Hey guys! Listen up! Don’t forget that this month, we celebrate the three days when all women rightfully acknowledge that the man is always right. That would be the 29th, 30th and 31st of February.

Another important date is tomorrow, namely Valentines Day! Looking for some guidance here: What's the best number of Roses to give the wife for Valentines Day? Is it: six or a dozen, or the whole tin? Last February 14 was a total disaster and she ended up in Tameside A & E. I told the matron that my wife had choked on a Quality Street chocolate. The matron asked me: “The purple one?” I sez: “Yes. That’s her!”

The powers that be at Manchester United have maintained that they will not under any circumstances sell Garnacho to any of their rivals. So that rules out Ipswich, Southampton, Leicester, Wolves, Everton and Spurs.

He's blessed with good fortune that Marcus Rashford. He's moved from 13th to 8th, without even kicking a ball.

Well, Barmy Albert was absolutely flabbergasted! He’d spent forty-eight hours on a trolley in the corridor at hospital A & E after getting covered in camouflage paint and he still hasn’t been seen.

I can't believe people are comparing Putin to Satan. Yes, I wholeheartedly concur that he's evil, but certainly not as evil as Putin...

I just parked my car at the hospital when the carpark attendant shouted over to me, "You can't park there, that's for badge holders only!” "That’s okay " I replied "I've got a bad shoulder."


Q) What do you call a chicken staring at a lettuce?

A) A chicken sees a salad....


There was much shenanigans in the bank, yesterday morning. I was in there with the missus. She wasn’t speaking to me, primarily because of my new keep-fit regime. She told me: “You’ve been out four nights running!” Suddenly, the plot thickened and this bloke entered, wearing a balaclava and brandishing a pistol. He sez to the woman in front of us, “Did you see my face, before I put this mask on?” The woman replied, “Yes, I certainly did!” So, he shot her! Oh folly, folly! Then he turned to me and asked me the same question. I replied, “No I didn’t. But the wife did!”

Non-Stick Nora asked Barmy Albert what he’d been up to in the garden shed all morning. "I've made a papier mâché model of Mount Kilimanjaro." He informed her. Nora asked: "Is it to scale?" "No. Just to look at...." Albert replied.

I did a gig at an old folk’s home. They were a tough crowd. They wouldn’t even answer my "Knock - Knock" jokes until I showed them some I.D.

The bloke who cuts keys and repairs shoes in Stalybridge must be really good, judging by the number of trophies in his window!

I sez to the missus last night, "I really fancy a takeaway." She replied, "You talking Chinese?" I sez, "No, did it sound Chinese?”


Breaking News: Police in Liverpool have announced the discovery of an arms cache of 2000 Kalashnikov semi-automatic rifles, together with 250,000 rounds of ammunition, 10 anti-tank missiles, 4 grenade launchers, 20 tonnes of heroin, £50 million in forged UK banknotes and 25 trafficked illegal immigrants, all in a semi-detached house behind the Public Library in Toxteth. Local residents were stunned. A community spokesman said: "We’re totally gobsmacked. We never knew we had a Library." No doubt both books it contained had already been coloured in!

Thought for Thursday: A man fleeing war takes his wife and children. A man going to war, leaves them behind.

The missus (or Jurassic Park in knickers, as I lovingly refer to her) was limping down Scropton Street yesterday. I asked her what the problem was, to which she curtly informed me: “I have a stone in my shoe.” Quick as a flash, I replied “Well there must be seventeen stone in the other shoe.” The icy glare she gave me would have knocked a buzzard off a tip!

Yesterday afternoon, the German Shepherd from next door leapt over the fence and pooed on my lawn. It gets worse. This morning, he brought his dog with him! The missus exclaimed: “You’re no gonna put up with that are you?” I replied: “Well what can I do?” She then asked me: “Are you a man or are you a mouse?” she continued: “You can go and get a shovel and throw it over next doors fence!” So, now I have a lawn full of dog poo and no shovel!”

Don’t let stress kill you off! Why not let me help? By reading this column regularly you will exercise your guffaw glands and chortle your socks off by howling at all the fine jokes, superb entertainment and gracious hostility. Why not visit my website: or better still, gizzus a tweet on You can email me too! Now, get back to work!


Saturday, 1 February 2025

A simple yes or no answer?



The missus sez to me yesterday: “I’m going to ask you a question and I just want a simple yes or no answer.” I sez: “Go on then. Ask away.” She replied: “Why do you tell jokes about blondes?”

Top Tips: The secret to a lasting marriage is tools. Tools ~ Accounts ~ Internet Options ~ Delete History.

Visiting a friend in Tameside Hospital, this bloke turned to me and shouted: “Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face”. Then a woman with a face like a pirate’s flag hollered: “Wee, sleekit, cowran, tim'rous beastie.” I asked the matron: “Is this a Psychiatric Ward?” She replied: “No, it’s the Burns Unit!”

I got talking to a woman at my local pub, The Pitt Bull and Stanley Knife and she curtly informed me she had just divorced a professional footballer. I sez: “Oh really. Was it messy?”

This random woman sauntered out of Iceland and a packet of frozen fish fell out of her carrier bag and dropped onto the tarmacadam. So, Barmy Albert picked it up and bunged it in his shopping trolley. Non-Stick Nora exclaimed: "That doesn't belong to us, give it back to that lady." "Findus Kippers", Albert replied.

Fascinating Fact: I used to be a freelance journalist, but I was rubbish at it. Lance is still in prison.



This girl from Stalybridge finds out she's pregnant. She's only sixteen. Even worse, it's twins. After much soul-searching, she has the babies, which turn out to be identical. She then gives them up for adoption. Time passes, and many years later her maternal instincts drive her to find out what happened to them. Following a great deal of investigation of the internet, she discovers that one of them was adopted by a Spanish couple, and was christened Juan. The other was adopted by an Egyptian couple and named Amal. She manages to trace the Spanish couple, and contacts them. They send her a photograph of the boy, who is now a fine young man. Unfortunately, she is unable to discover the whereabouts of the Egyptian couple. As she sits in her mother's house in Mossley, she looks lovingly at the photo of her long-lost son. "Oh, Mother," she says, "I'm so happy to be able to see one of my sons, but how I wish I could also see his brother as he is today." "Don't worry," says her mother, "they're identical. When you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal."

Barmy Albert ran home from work and pulled Non-Stick Nora into the bedroom, hurled her onto the mattress and then pulled the duvet over them! Nora was astounded, because Albert had not acted like this for many years. Suddenly, Albert shouted: “Look! My new watch! It glows in the dark!”

I had an argument with the waitress in the Scropton Street Cafeteria. I refused to pay the bill. She asked me why, because I’d ordered 42 coffees. I said: “No I didn’t! I ordered 4 tea, two coffees!”

After putting on so much weight after Christmas, the wife caught me holding my stomach in, whilst standing on the bathroom scales. She sez: “That’s not going to have any effect, you moron!” I replied: “It does. It’s the only way that I can see the numbers!” She then announced: “I’m leaving you for 29 different reasons, plus your obsession with tennis.” I replied: “That’s 30 Love!” I told her I’d see her at court. That’s when the fight started!

A duck, a skunk and a deer went out to dinner at a restaurant and when it came time to settle the account, it turned out that the skunk didn’t possess a scent, the deer didn’t have a buck, so they put the meal on the ducks bill!

Octogenarian Elsie Grabknuckle was perched at the rail of the cruise ship holding her hat so that it wouldn’t blow away in the wind. This fella approached her and sez: “Pardon me, madam, I do not intend to be forward but did you know that your dress is blowing up in this wind?” “Yes, I am aware of that” replied Elsie. “But I need my hands to hold onto my hat” “But madam you must know that your derriere is exposed for all to see!” Elsie sighed and looked down, then back up at the bloke and declared: “Sir, anything you see down there is 85 years old, but I just bought this hat yesterday!”

Are all the other folks in your dormitory just plain jealous because the mysterious voices only talk to you? Did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again? Is the hamster dead, but the wheel is still going round? Well, now you can go see for yourself with my Jokey-Blog at Go on. Have a shufty. You know you want to. It’s if you fancy sending me an email. Now, get back to work!